Friday, March 28, 2025

2025.03.28 Hopewell @Home ▫ Deuteronomy 3:12–22

Read Deuteronomy 3:12–22

Questions from the Scripture text: What does Deuteronomy 3:12 say about the land where this sermon is being preached (verse 12)? What are its boundaries? To whom did YHWH give it? To what land does Deuteronomy 3:13 refer? Whose kingdom was it? To whom did YHWH give it? What had all this land previously been called? Who took Argob and Bashan (Deuteronomy 3:14)? What did he call it? To which son of Manasseh did YHWH give Gilead (Deuteronomy 3:15)? How do Deuteronomy 3:16-17 describe whose possession? Then what did Moses do to them (Deuteronomy 3:18)? Whom did he say had done what for them? Now who were commanded to do what? Whom would they leave behind (Deuteronomy 3:19)? What special consideration was made? Until when did they need to do this—what two things would YHWH give whom (Deuteronomy 3:20)? Then what may the men of valor do? Whom else did Moses command (Deuteronomy 3:21)? When? Of what does he remind him? What does he promise him? What command (prohibition) does he give him (Deuteronomy 3:22)? Why mustn’t he fear?

How should we respond to the memory of God’s great and gracious dealings? Deuteronomy 3:12–22 looks forward to the evening sermon on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eleven verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that we should respond to God’s greatness and grace with trust, praise, thankfulness, obedience, and courage.

As he introduces his final sermon, Moses is winding down the historical review of their relationship to YHWH, their own covenant God, Who binds them to Himself and to His law. He will then remind them of why this has to be his last sermon, as he cannot enter the land with them (cf. Deuteronomy 3:23–29). Then, He will urge upon them the importance of keeping God’s law (especially the second commandment, chapter 4), restate the Ten Commandments as the “text” for the sermon (chapter 5), explain and apply that law to the life of Israel as a nation-church (chapters 6–26), before establishing the blessings and curses of their covenant with God as it is established going forward (chapters 27–34).

Here, then, is the end to the historical review of their relationship thus far with the Lord. Having reminded them of the Lord’s power and faithfulness in giving them victory over Sihon and Og (cf. Deuteronomy 2:26–3:11), Moses now reminds them of the commandments given at the time, as he applies to them the lessons learned on this side of the Jordan, in preparation for their calling as they cross over into the land.

Trust Him for His faithfulness. He has begun to give an inheritance to His people, as He promised (Deuteronomy 3:12-13a).

Praise Him for His greatness. That which He gave them used to be called “the land of the giants” (Deuteronomy 3:13b). 

Thank Him for His generosity. Behold all that He has given to Reuben, Gad, and half-Manasseh (Deuteronomy 3:14-17). 

Obey Him, as He commands you. The reason that these men of valor from the two-and-half tribes are with the rest of Israel is that the Lord has commanded them. One might say, “if YHWH Himself fights for them (cf. Deuteronomy 3:22), why would they need their brethren to come fight with them?” The Lord, Who fights for them, and Who gives them the land, has commanded them to. It is an honor and a privilege to be used by Him. And it is our duty to do whatever He says.

Have courage in Him, as He glorifies Himself in doing you good. They had what the Lord did to Egypt in their cultural memory. But what He did to Sihon and Og, they had seen with their own eyes (Deuteronomy 3:22). You, too, dear Christian have seen that the Lord’s dealing with you in your life tracks with His glory and grace in all of Scripture and history. Not only have you seen this in many other events and moments, but you have especially seen this in your conversion. Fear nothing that is before you, for YHWH your God Himself works in your behalf!

What biggest thing has the Lord done in your own life? What are some other things that He has done? How have these been causes for your praising Him? Thanking Him? Trusting Him? Obeying Him? Having courage?

Sample prayer: Lord, we praise and thank You for Who You are in Yourself, and Whom You have shown Yourself to be in our lives—especially in our conversion. Grant that we would always remember this—always remember that You are perfectly faithful. Make us to count obedience as a privilege and honor, and give us courage to do everything as those who have You Yourself, especially in Christ, and by His Spirit—we ask in His Name, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP78B “O Come, My People” or TPH433 “Amazing Grace”

Thursday, March 27, 2025

God's Alarms to a Guilty World [Family Worship lesson in Revelation 8:7–13]

What should we take away from the blasting of the trumpets? Revelation 8:7–13 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these seven verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the trumpets sound the alarm for the coming judgment of God, and against reliance upon prosperity and power that must surely be destroyed.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.03.27 Hopewell @Home ▫ Revelation 8:7–13

Read Revelation 8:7–13

 Questions from the Scripture text: Who does what to his trumpet in Revelation 8:7? What appear? Where are they thrown (cf. Revelation 8:5)? What happens to the trees? How many of them? Who does what to his trumpet in Revelation 8:8? What was thrown where? With what effect? Upon how much of it? And what secondary effects (Revelation 8:9)? Upon how many of them? Who does what to his trumpet in Revelation 8:10? What falls? In what condition? Upon what does it fall? How many of them? What is its name (Revelation 8:11)? What happens to the water? How much of it? With what secondary effect? Who does what to his trumpet in Revelation 8:12? What happens to what three things? How many of them? With what effect? What does John now see in Revelation 8:13? Doing what? Speaking with what sort of voice? Announcing what? To whom? Because of what?

What should we take away from the blasting of the trumpets? Revelation 8:7–13 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these seven verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the trumpets sound the alarm for the coming judgment of God, and against reliance upon prosperity and power that must surely be destroyed.

The visions now move from seals to trumpets. The nature of a seal is to authenticate and confirm the decision of the king. It implies especially the determined certainty of what occurs, and the king’s sovereignty over all of it. With trumpets, the emphasis is upon announcement, alarm, warning. 

So, there are those events that characterize the entire time between the two comings of Christ, concerning which believers may have comfort and confidence, because they occur by the decree of God and under the sovereignty of God. Throughout this time, the wickedness of men and brokenness of the creation remind us that this is a world under curse. And, now, the trumpets are teaching us that there are those extraordinary acts of God in history that are alarms from God to warn us of the judgment to come.

Some mistake all of the trumpets for the final trumpet (cf. Revelation 11:15, 1 Corinthians 15:52, Matthew 24:30–31). But the Lord gives as the content of the trumpets examples of ways that His judgment has already invaded history as a declaration of Himself and warning against wicked, self-sufficient and self-satisfied men. Most notably, the hail, the destruction of the vegetation, the water becoming blood with the fish dying, and the darkness all hearken back to the plagues of Egypt. The casting of a mountain into the sea has indicated great calamity (cf. Psalm 46:2). The drinking of bitter water has indicated judgments, especially against churches (cf. Jeremiah 9:15–16; Lamentations 3:15). Sun/moon/stars are the first authorities in the Bible (cf. Genesis 1:16), and their falling down has indicated the humbling of authorities (cf. Genesis 37:9). To someone who knows his Bible, the first four trumpets are using images and events we already know to refer to the breakings-into-history of God’s judgments.

So, the ordinary experience of the brokenness of creation is associated with the ¼ destruction in the seals, and the breakings in of judgment are associated with the ⅓ destruction in the trumpets, and the last day of the last trumpet is associated with the complete destruction in the bowls.

But for now, in these four trumpets, we learn that God, in His great patience is not only waiting for all of the elect to be gathered in (as we saw in the first and fifth seals). He is also giving fair warning—repeatedly invading history with such acts of judgment as sound the alarm to those in danger of His wrath. 

And in the devastating of the resources and powers of this world, the trumpets remind us not to grow dependent upon earthly prosperity or powers, which are all to be devastated anyway. Rather, we are to enjoy God’s good gifts as those who enjoy Him, and to employ God’s good gifts as those who depend upon Him and serve Him. For, at the last, believers shall enjoy and serve the Lord in prosperity and power that we cannot imagine in this world. 

What comforts do you have, that are good gifts from God? How are you guarding yourself against enjoying them in a way that does not enjoy Him? What authorities has God placed over you for your good? How are you guarding yourself against depending upon them in a way that does not depend upon Him? What use do you make of the judgments of God that have invaded history and continue to do so; how are you taking them as warnings for yourself? How are you employing them as warnings for others?

Sample prayer:  Lord, we confess that all mankind deserves the fullness of Your wrath. We confess that we deserve for the entire creation to be destroyed, and for us to die in bitterness. So, we praise You for the patience in which You have not yet done this. And we thank You for the goodness in which You break into history with devastations that are like trumpets, sounding an alarm. Grant that our alarm would drive us to Christ. Make us to enjoy earthly things, and to employ earthly things, as temporary trusts from You. Grant that we would enjoy You Yourself in all things, and that we would only depend upon them in a way that ultimately depends upon You, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

 Suggested songs: ARP46 “God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength” or TPH389 “Great God, What Do I See and Hear?”

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

2025.03.26 Midweek Meeting Livestream (live at 6:30p)

Click below for the:
March 26 Prayer Meeting Folder
Proverbs 13:1–6 sermon outline
We urge you to assemble physically, if possible, with a true congregation of Christ's church. For those of our own congregation who may be providentially hindered, we are grateful to be able to provide this service.

IF you are unable to get the stream to work, or simply wish to save on data, you can listen in simply by calling 712.432.3410 and entering 70150 at the prompt.

Each week we livestream the Lord's Day (Sabbath School, Morning Public Worship, and p.m. Singing and Sermon) and Midweek Meeting (sermon and prayer). For notifications when Hopewell is streaming live, install the CHURCHONE APP on your [Apple], [Android], or [Kindle] device, and enter hopewellarp for your broadcaster.

Why We Need Another Adam [Family Worship lesson in Hosea 6:4–7:16]

What remedy is there for those who are like Adam? Hosea 6:4–7:16 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twenty-four verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that our own repenting is so riddled with sin like Adam, that our only hope is another Adam, the last Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.03.26 Hopewell @Home ▫ Hosea 6:4–7:16

Read Hosea 6:4–7:16

Questions from the Scripture text: Whom does v4a address? Whom does Hosea 6:4b address? What does the Lord ask each of them? Why (verse 4b–c)? How has the Lord responded to this fickleness (Hosea 6:5)? What does He desire, as compared to what (Hosea 6:6)? But what have Israel and Judah done (Hosea 6:7)? Like whom? Who are involved in what sin in Hosea 6:8-9? Whom does the Lord condemn in Hosea 6:10-11? What happened at what time in Hosea 7:1a–c? What wickedness, specifically, was uncovered (verse 1d–f)? What did they fail to consider (Hosea 7:2)? But whom did they please (Hosea 7:3)? To what do Hosea 7:4-7 describe the preparation and intensity of their sinning? What, especially, led to this level of sin (Hosea 7:8-9)? With what results? And yet, what did they still not do (Hosea 7:10)? To whom did they turn instead (Hosea 7:11)? But why will this fail (Hosea 7:12)? What have they done to Whom (Hosea 7:13)? Despite His doing what? What was lacking in their crying, wailing “repentance” (Hosea 7:14a–b)? When thy gathered for worship, what were they really gathering for (verse 14c)? So that they were really doing what (verse 14d)? How did they repay God’s doing what (Hosea 7:15)? What was lacking in their repentance in Hosea 7:16a–b? With what result (verse 16c–e)? 

What remedy is there for those who are like Adam? Hosea 6:4–7:16 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twenty-four verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that our own repenting is so riddled with sin like Adam, that our only hope is another Adam, the last Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ.

There was much good to be said for the form of repentance in Hosea 6:1–3. Sadly, the Lord evaluates it as short-lived (Hosea 6:4). Their fickleness has been the reason that He has sent prophet after prophet with words that had to cut (Hosea 6:5). The externals of religion are no substitute for a truly transformed heart (Hosea 6:6).

That is just the issue: our need for a transformed heart. Like He did for Adam, the Lord had given Israel every possible advantage. But like Adam did to Him, they betrayed Him and violated His covenant with them (Hosea 6:7; n.b. it is “like Adam” not “like men”). 

Indeed, some of His good gifts were themselves twisted or perverted into spiritual harm, rather than spiritual help. Why wasn’t the priesthood a help against the violence of Gilead (Hosea 6:8)? Because the priests themselves were committing murder and lewdness (Hosea 6:9)! Why wasn’t civil government a deterrent to their sin? Because the capital city itself was one of wickedness, fraud, theft, and robbery (Hosea 7:1), so that people did not please the king or princes by doing what is good, but rather with wickedness and lies (v3). Indeed, they were so bent on pleasing men with their wickedness, that they completely neglected that they should have been doing what pleases the Lord before His own face (Hosea 7:2). 

They had so perfected their craft, that they were like expert bakers, keeping the oven of the heart continuously ready to turn out loaves of sin (Hosea 7:4-7). And the crowning factor was their mixing with the peoples and foreigners (v8–9), so that they had spent their lives in sinning without even realizing that their strength was gone, and their hair was gray (Hosea 7:8-9). 

Yet, not only did they fail to turn to YHWH (Hosea 7:10), but they actually turned to Egypt and Assyria instead (Hosea 7:11). Since they’re acting like bird-brains (verse 11), the Lord will trap them like birds, just as His Word has said (Hosea 7:12). Their wickedness has not merely been against a moral standard but personally against the Lord Himself (Hosea 7:13). Even their weeping repentance didn’t include the actual turning of the heart toward God (Hosea 7:14a–b), and even their religious services were no about submitting to the Lord as much as they were about enjoying grain and new wine (verse 14c–d). Their turning was not to the Lord Who had helped them (Hosea 7:15-16b), so their punishment would be sure and severe (Hosea 7:16c–e). 

What a dreadful thing our sinful natures are, so that even our repenting and worshiping are so corrupted as to be offensive to God! We are, indeed, just like our first father, Adam, in whom we sinned, and like unto whom we now sin. This is why we have so desperately needed a righteous priest, a righteous king, and the new and last Adam: our Lord Jesus Christ. All that is in Him, and from Him in us, is pleasing unto the Lord. Only in Him can we escape dreadful and permanent disaster!

How can your repenting be acceptable to God? How does this inform the way that you come to God? How does it inform the way that you worship? What are you seeking from Jesus that He would do in you? How do you remember that you are before God’s face? How do you maintain your heart unto Him?

Sample prayer: Lord, forgive us for how fickle and short-lived our repentance often is. Grant that we would bring You not only the externals of religion, but mercy and sacrifice. Grant to us to be in Your Son, our Lord Jesus, as the last Adam. And just as He has kept Your covenant for us, make us also to be covenant-keepers like He is. Give us leadership in the church and the state that help us to remember that we are before Your face. And forgive us for when we have been forgetful of You. Forgive us also for when, rather than being careful to keep our hearts turned toward You, we have actually been like bakers who keep the ovens of our hearts hot for making loaves of sin. Indeed, O Lord, all our sin is a wicked treachery against You, and deserves great and permanent punishment. So, forgive us for the sake of Christ, and conform us to His image, we ask in His Name, AMEN!

 Suggested Songs: ARP51AB “God, Be Merciful to Me” or TPH433 “Amazing Grace”

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Bearing Witness as Image Bearers [Westminster Shorter Catechism 77—Theology Simply Explained]

Pastor walks his children through Westminster Shorter Catechism question 77—especially explaining how God has given each of us an unique set of experiences that place us under obligation to T.H.I.N.K. before we speak.

Q77. What is required in the ninth commandment? The ninth commandment requireth the maintaining and promoting of truth between man and man, and of our own and our neighbor’s good name, especially in witness-bearing.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

Our Glorified Mediator [Children's Catechism 138—Theology Simply Explained]

Pastor walks his children through Children's Catechism question 138—especially explaining how the Lord Jesus is, right now, in glory, as our Mediator.

Q138. Where is Christ now? In heaven, interceding for sinners.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

Living in Light of God's Divinity [Family Worship lesson in Psalm 139:1–12]

What difference do God’s omniscience and omnipresence make? Psalm 139:1–12 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twelve verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that knowing the God Who knows us and all things, we ought to live conscientiously, humbly, and confidently.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.03.25 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 139:1–12

Read Psalm 139:1–12

Questions from the Scripture text: To whom was this psalm sent (superscript)? Whose was it? Whom does it address (Psalm 139:1)? What has YHWH done? What does He know (Psalm 139:2a), understand (verse 2b), measure (Psalm 139:3a), and recognize (verse 3b)? When, and how much, does He know David’s words (Psalm 139:4)? How closely does He attend him (Psalm 139:5)? How does this knowledge compare to David’s (Psalm 139:6)? What does David ask in Psalm 139:7? At what height and depth is God there (Psalm 139:8)? At what distance (Psalm 139:9)? What is He doing in those places (Psalm 139:10)? What might David fear will crush him (Psalm 139:11a)? But what will be the outcome for him (verse 11b)? Why—for Whom is darkness not dark (Psalm 139:12a)? With what effect/result (verse 12b–c)?

What difference do God’s omniscience and omnipresence make? Psalm 139:1–12 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twelve verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that knowing the God Who knows us and all things, we ought to live conscientiously, humbly, and confidently.   

The first half of this well-loved Psalm focuses upon God’s knowing everything (His omniscience, Psalm 139:1-6) and being everywhere (His omnipresence, Psalm 139:7-12). 

In thinking about God’s omniscience, it isn’t just that He knows the total number of things that there is to know. Rather, knowing is inherent to Him. There can be nothing to know, except that He knows it entirely. Creatures know things in a derivative, borrowed way from Him; but He possess all knowledge, because He possess knowledge itself. The way that we experience this is that He knows both the inner life of our resting and the outer life of our activity (Psalm 139:2a, Psalm 139:3); He knows our inner life without need of time or proximity for inspection (Psalm 139:2b, Psalm 139:4). There are two great applications here: conscientiousness and humility.

First, we must live every moment of our life conscientiously—as before God Himself. But the language of Psalm 139:5 doesn’t just communicate this in the sense of being subject to His observation. It literally “presses” upon us that we are to live as those whose lives are I constant contact with God. Perhaps you have had the experience of being engaged in some foolishness, when you were brought suddenly to correct it by the sensation of the loving hand of your earthly father upon your shoulder. The image something like that.

Second, we ought to be humbled. Sadly, many of us operate in a judgmental spirit toward others, under the assumption that we know the inner workings of their hearts. But, we must be humbled, right along with David, as we consider the way in which the Lord knows us and our hearts. How can we be so proud as to think we know others that way? We don’t even know ourselves (cf. Jeremiah 17:9)! But YHWH does (cf. Jeremiah 17:10), and this should instill humility into us.

In Psalm 139:7-12, praise of God’s omniscience continues, but with His omnipresence coming more into focus. Again, we know that heaven and highest heaven cannot contain Him (cf. 1 Kings 8:27). So, we mustn’t think of this as God existing in any place, or even in all places. Rather, existence is inherent to Himself. He is the only One Whose being is independent, and therefore, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable. Since everyone (and everything) else exists only in dependence upon Him, there is literally no existence apart from Him. Again, there are at least two important applications here: comfort and confidence.

The comfort we see, especially, in Psalm 139:10. It is not just that He is always at hand, but that His hand is leading us and holding us! And the confidence we see, especially in Psalm 139:11. The word behind “fall” has more of the sense of “crush” than of “cover.” But darkness can do neither of these to us, if we are living by His grace, rather than trusting in our own ability. Our night is light when living by the grace of the One Who cannot be limited by any circumstance whatsoever! The world mistakenly associates confidence with pride. But the student of Psalm 139 knows that truly undauntable confidence comes not by pride, but by the humility to live in dependence upon the Lord, Who knows us and has brought us to know Him.

When do you tend to be forgetful that you are before the face of God? In what circumstances are you most temped to pride? In what areas do you most tend to overestimate your knowledge? In what circumstances are you most apprehensive or fearful? How will you arm yourself against such situations by meditation upon God’s attributes? How will you bring mindfulness of Him and His attributes into the situations themselves?

Sample prayer:  O YHWH, You have searched us and known us. You know our sitting down and our rising up; You understand our thought afar off. You comprehend our path and our lying down. And You are acquainted with all our ways. For there is not a word on our tongue, but behold, O YHWH, You know it altogether. You have hedged us in behind and before, and laid Your hand upon us. Such knowledge is too wonderful for us; it is high, we cannot attain it.

Where can we go from Your Spirit? Or where can we flee from Your presence? If we ascend into heaven, You are there; if we make our bed in the pit, behold, You are there. If we fly upon the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead us, and Your right hand shall hold us. If we say, “Surely the darkness shall crush us,” even the night shall be light about me; indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You.

So come, now, by Your Spirit, and make the light of the knowledge of Your glory to shine in our hearts in the face of Jesus Christ, we ask in His Name, AMEN!

Suggested Songs: ARP139B “Where Can I From Your Spirit Flee” or TPH139B “LORD, You Have Searched Me”