Monday, March 03, 2025

Anatomy of Rebellion and Repentance [2025.03.02 Evening Sermon in Deuteronomy 1:19–46]

We must treat God as God, by a repentance that comes from God

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

Beholding, Entering, Possessing [2025.02.23 Evening Sermon in Deuteronomy 1:6–18]

Obedience is an expression of the faith that it is not we who are accomplishing, but God Who is giving, what He has promised.

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

Who Do You Say that Jesus Is? [2025.03.02 Morning Sermon in Matthew 16:13–17]

You must receive a miraculous work of God in Your heart, so that you can believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

Vigilance Against Legalistic Leaven [2025.02.23 Morning Sermon in Matthew 16:5–12]

Any approach to the Christian life that emphasizes what we do over what Christ does is dangerous and can infect the whole of our heart

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

Coming to Christ [2025.03.02 Sabbath School Book Study in How to Live as a Christian]

(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

When God Calls Us to Worship [2025.02.26 Sabbath School in Westminster Confession of Faith 21.6—Hopewell 101]

We continued studying through the Scriptural doctrine that our congregation confesses. This week, we continued Westminster Confession chapter 21—finishing Article 6 with how God calls us to public worship times both by His Word and His providence.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

Righteousness Is True Riches [2025.02.26 Midweek Sermon in Proverbs 11:15–31]

Pursuing gain gains nothing; but, pursuing God, and therefore blessing others, gains everything.

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

Community Benefits of Righteousness [2025.02.19 Midweek Sermon in Proverbs 11:9–14]

The wise are a blessing to others by their speech

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

Christ's Blood and Our Salvation [Children's Catechism 135—Theology Simply Explained]

Pastor walks his children through Children's Catechism question 135—especially explaining how the blood of Christ was shed for several aspects of our salvation.

Q134. What does the wine represent? The blood of Christ, shed for our salvation.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

Wise in Words and Work [Family Worship lesson in Proverbs 12:1–14]

What good is good sense? Proverbs 12:1–14 looks forward to the sermon in this week’s midweek meeting. In these fourteen verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that good sense causes a man to use his mouth and his hands in a fruitful and blessed way.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)