Read Psalm 136
Questions from the Scripture text: What is the theme of this Psalm (v1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12b, 13b, 14b, 15b, 16b, 17b, 18b, 19b, 20b, 21b, 22b, 23b, 24b, 25b, 26b)? What three things is He, in Himself (v1a, 2a, 3a)? What does He do (v4a)? What was the first great display of this (v5a, cf. Gen 1:1, 6–7; v6a, cf. Gen 1:9–10; v7a, 8a, 9a, cf. Gen 1:14–18)? What act was a singular display of a “great wonder” (v10a, 11a, 12a, 13a, 14a, 15a, 16a, 17a, 18a, 19a, 20a, 21a, 22a)? What ongoing covenantal acts are some more “great wonders” (v23a, 24a)? What ongoing creational acts are other “great wonders” (v25a)? What does v26a call Him in summary?
How does God exercise His steadfast love? Psalm 136 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twenty-six verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that everything that God does is done in steadfast love toward His people.
YHWH is the God Who is (v1a). From Him, and beneath Him, are all other powers (v2a, 3a), so that His doing of great wonders is “alone” in its divine uniqueness (v4a).
This, He has displayed in all creation (v5–9) and providence (v25–26) in heaven and earth.
But, especially, He has displayed it in His dealings with His people (v23–24). The Exodus (v10–15), conquest of the land (v16–20), and possessing of the land (v21–22) were the great display of His salvation in the Old Testament, and an image in history of the ultimate salvation.
But, while the Exodus, and (infinitely more so) the cross, are singular displays of His covenant/steadfast love (better than NKJ’s “mercy”), the point of the Psalm is that everything that He does is done in that steadfast love. It doesn’t just “endure forever” in that it is never exhausted. Rather, it is eternal because it is an integral aspect of Who God is.
Secondly, everything that God does is done in His steadfast love because His covenant love to the church is the great project of all of history. That love is in Christ Jesus our Lord (cf. Rom 8:39) from before the world began (cf. Rom 8:29). It had no beginning, it cannot have an end, and it is uninterruptedly behind everything that the Lord does.
Oh, dear Christian, may this Psalm penetrate your soul so that you see God’s steadfast love to His church in everything that happens at all times!
What is going on in the world right now that you need to remember comes in God’s steadfast love toward you? What is going on in your life right now that you need to remember comes in God’s steadfast love toward you?
Sample prayer: Lord, we praise You, for You are love. You are the only, true and living God, the God of gods and the Lord of lords, Who alone do great wonders. And, all of these wonders, You do in Your steadfast love toward us. Whether creating heaven and earth and all this vast creation, or redeeming Your people out of every trouble, You do everything in Your steadfast love toward us. Indeed, this is because You have loved us with an everlasting love in Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, in Your steadfast love, which endures until now, and endures forever, receive us in Jesus Christ—both now, and forever—we ask in His Name, AMEN!
Suggested Songs: ARP136 “Thank the LORD, for Good Is He” or TPH136 “O Thank the LORD, for He Is Good”