Monday, March 03, 2025

Wise in Words and Work [Family Worship lesson in Proverbs 12:1–14]

What good is good sense? Proverbs 12:1–14 looks forward to the sermon in this week’s midweek meeting. In these fourteen verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that good sense causes a man to use his mouth and his hands in a fruitful and blessed way.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.03.03 Hopewell @Home ▫ Proverbs 12:1–14

Read Proverbs 12:1–14

Questions from the Scripture text: What love is always attended by love of knowledge (v1a)? What is the condition of someone who hates correction (v1b)? What does a good man obtain from Whom (v2a)? Whom will YHWH condemn (v2b)? What can’t wickedness do for a man (v3a)? But what cannot be moved (v3b)? How does an excellent wife function unto her husband (v4a)? But what does a shameful wife do to him (v4b)? What characterizes the thoughts of the righteous (v5a)? And what characterizes the counsels of the wicked (v5b)? What do the words of the wicked say/do (v6a)? What does the mouth of the righteous do (v6b)? What happens to the wicked (v7a)? What happens to the righteous (v7b)? In what manner will a man be commended (v8a)? Who will be despised (v8b)? Which two combinations are compared in v9? Which is the better combination? What does the righteous man regard (v10a)? What is the true nature of the wicked’s “mercies” (v10b)? In what does the work of tilling result (v11a)? But what does following vain things show about a man (v11b)? What do the wicked covet (v12a)? But what yields fruit (v12b)? What ensnares the wicked (v13a)? Who come through trouble (v13b)? By what may a man be satisfied (v14a)? What will be rendered to a man (v14b)? 

What good is good sense? Proverbs 12:1–14 looks forward to the sermon in this week’s midweek meeting. In these fourteen verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that good sense causes a man to use his mouth and his hands in a fruitful and blessed way.

This chapter consists of two sections that each begin and end in much the same way: beginning with a proverb about teachableness (v1, 15), and concluding with a proverb about the outcomes that wisdom or folly can expect (v14, 28). 

v1–3 introduce this section, identifying YHWH as personally upholding he teaching/values presented here (v2, cf. 11:1, 20). The book as a whole has identified YHWH has the source of instruction, knowledge, and correction (v1). This wisdom has an ethical component, so that the wise man of v1 is the “good” man of v2. His love of instruction is, ultimately, a love of God Himself, and the good that he obtains is from the favor of the God Whom he loves. On the other hand, hating correction is not only brutish (v1b, more literal than NKJ) but condemned by God (v2b). So the wise (v1) and the good (v2) are also the righteous (v3). The certainty of the outcomes in v3 are emphasized by the negative, telling what is impossible: it is impossible either that the wicked be established or that the righteous be moved.

v4–7 centers (literally, v5–6) upon the effects of righteous vs wicked speech—especially as it affects one’s household (v4, 7). The word “excellent” in v4a is actually a “strength” word, both spiritual and literal, physical fortitude for her callings. But, in contrast to the shameful wife (v4b), the emphasis is upon her nobility and strength of character. The righteous establishes not only himself but his household (v7b).

In v8–12, the focus shifts from words to deeds and property. “wisdom” in v8 is literally “his mouth of insight.” It is an idiom for good sense, and it flows naturally from the previous theme in v5–6. This good sense is especially seen in the management of household affairs (cf. v7). He manages well enough not only to have bread for himself, but for another who contributes to the productivity of his house (v9). He understands, and treats well, not only the servant from v9, but even his beast (v10). And, rather than taking servants and servant beasts as an excuse for laziness, he himself joins in the labor (v11). The wicked, by contrast, envies the ill-gotten gain and both the “ill” way in which it is gotten (v12a)! How different than the righteous, who are so blessed by God that not only does fruit grow in the bud upon the stem, but even from his root (v12b). What a fruitful thing it is to be a man who lives in the knowledge of his God!

Finally, v13–14 pull together the ideas of speech, from v4–7, and productivity, from v8–12. The wicked attempts to use his mouth to ensnare others, but the trap springs upon him himself, while the righteous comes safely through (v13). But both the mouth and the hand of the righteous aim to be fruitful, resulting in the good that the Lord brings upon him (v14). 

How could your use of your mouth improve? What is an area of your life where you need more sensible diligence?

Sample prayer: Lord, thank You for bringing us into the knowledge of Yourself, and giving us to live with good sense before You. Please grant that we would bring good to our households, and to Your household, by the way that we speak and work, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP15 “Within Your Tent, Who Will Reside” or TPH400“Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me”

Sunday, March 02, 2025

2025.03.02 Lord's Day Livestreams (live at 10:10a, 11:10a, 3p)

Click below for the:
March 2 Lord's Day Worship Booklet
Matthew 16:13–17 sermon outline
3p song selections & Deuteronomy 1:19–46 sermon outline
We urge you to assemble physically, if possible, with a true congregation of Christ's church. For those of our own congregation who may be providentially hindered, we are grateful to be able to provide this service.

IF you are unable to get the stream to work, or simply wish to save on data, you can listen in simply by calling 712.432.3410 and entering 70150 at the prompt.

Each week we livestream the Lord's Day (Sabbath School, Morning Public Worship, and p.m. Singing and Sermon) and Midweek Meeting (sermon and prayer). For notifications when Hopewell is streaming live, install the CHURCHONE APP on your [Apple], [Android], or [Kindle] device, and enter hopewellarp for your broadcaster.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Christ Revealed and Proclaimed [Family Worship lesson in Matthew 16:13–17]

How does one come to rest upon Jesus as Christ and God? Matthew 16:13–17 prepares us for the sermon in the morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these five verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that sovereign grace is what gives to people to rest upon Jesus as Christ and God.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.03.01 Hopewell @Home ▫ Matthew 16:13–17

Read Matthew 16:13–17

Questions from the Scripture text: To what region does Jesus come in Matthew 16:13? What does He ask His disciples? What four answers do they offer (Matthew 16:14)? What follow-up question does He ask in Matthew 16:15? Who answers (Matthew 16:16)? What two-part answer does he give? Who answers Simon Peter in Matthew 16:17? What does He say about him? Whose son (“Bar-“) does He say Simon is? Whom does He say has not revealed this to him? Whom does He say has revealed it? 

How does one come to rest upon Jesus as Christ and God? Matthew 16:13–17 prepares us for the sermon in the morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these five verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that sovereign grace is what gives to people to rest upon Jesus as Christ and God.  

Jesus is building His church. He is the One Who instigates this reaction (Matthew 16:13). By asking the question, He prompts them to catalog some of the opinions they have heard. They conveniently leave out “Beelzebul” (cf. Matthew 12:24). 

But the point is made: although there happen to be many opinions about Christ, His identity is not, in fact, a matter of opinion. Jesus now presses this truth upon them by asking, “But y’all—who do y’all say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15, more literally translated). 

When Simon answers the plurally asked question, he does so as representative of the 12. But Jesus’s response to him is very individual. Although the twelve know, corporately, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Jesus’s response in Matthew 16:17 makes it clear that this is something that each individual comes to be convinced of only by sovereign grace.

Jesus’s identity is a fact, a reality, that it takes sovereign grace to reveal to someone. The language of “revealed” here is very important. Jesus has testified to Himself many times, and Simon has believed that testimony. Jesus’s works have testified to Him many times, and Simon has believed those works. But, this belief has come not by the operation of his human faculties (“flesh and blood”) but by the operation upon him of divine grace (“My Father Who is in heaven.”) 

Although Jesus is speaking to Simon in the singular in Matthew 16:18-19, he continues to represent the twelve, as evidenced by Matthew 16:19, especially. Nowhere in the rest of the New Testament does Peter act with independent authority from, or above, the other apostles. In the frightening case of Acts 5:1–11, the other apostles are with him (cf. end of Acts 5:2). 

And in the most obvious, deliberate, exercise of the keys, it actually seems to be James (cf. Acts 15:13), the brother of Jesus, who is moderating the assembly of apostles and elders (cf. Acts 15:6). There, the exercise of the keys expresses what the Holy Spirit has previously determined (cf. Acts 15:28), just as Matthew 16:19 says here. The most literal translation of the two verbs is “will have been loosed,” indicated something that will have already been completed before the future event in question.

So, when we come to the nicknaming of Simon as “Peter” (i.e., “Rock”), and the reference to building the church, we must remember that his response to Christ represents the apostles as a whole and that Jesus’s response to him is one that is true of every believer: people only come to faith when the Father reveals it to them. Jesus is the Christ, the promised Prophet, Priest, and King. And He is the Son of the Living God: not merely “a son of God” as is sometimes said of men and angels and Adam, but the Son of the Living God, the One Whose sonship was and is and is to come. For a sinner to hope in Jesus as this Christ and this Son can only be a work of sovereign grace in his heart.

Whom do you believe Christ to be? How does your interaction with Him show that you believe this?

Sample prayer:  Father, thank You for convincing us that Jesus is the Christ, Your eternal Son. Give us to listen to Him as Prophet, to come near to You through Him as Priest, and to follow Him and trust Him as King. And grant that we would trust in Him as our God and Savior, together with You and with Your Spirit, we ask in His Name, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP110B “The LORD Has Spoken to My Lord” or TPH332 “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise”

Friday, February 28, 2025

Offspring of Rebellion [Family Worship lesson in Deuteronomy 1:19–46]

Of what must each generation be reminded? Deuteronomy 1:19–46 looks forward to the evening sermon on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twenty-eight verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that every generation must be reminded of the dangers of unbelief and rebellion, and of our need of God’s grace to make us trusting, loving, submissive, and obedient.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.02.28 Hopewell @Home ▫ Deuteronomy 1:19–46

Read Deuteronomy 1:19–46

Questions from the Scripture text: From where did they depart (v19)? Through where did they go? How was the route determined? To where did they come? How did Moses describe that hill country (v20)? What did he say was happening to it? What triple command did he give (v21, cf. v8)? Who did what in v22? What did they say to do? Of what were the men to bring back word? What did Moses think of this (v23)? Whom did he take? What did they do (v24)? What did they take and bring (v25)? What else did they bring? What did they say about the land? But what wouldn’t the people do (v26)? What did they do? Where did they complain (v27)? What did they say about YHWH? Why did they say He had brought them out of Egypt? What did they blame for their response (v28)? How did Moses answer (v29)? What is his answer (v30) to the question in v28? In addition to the power displayed in how He saved them from Egypt (v30), what else had YHWH displayed toward them in the wilderness (v31)? But how did they respond (v32)? Despite His having done what (v33)? Who heard their answer (v34)? How did He respond? What did He now swear, despite what He had previously sworn (v35)? Whom did YHWH except from this judgment (v36, cf. v38)? With whom was YHWH also angry (v37)? Whom did YHWH promise would enter and possess the land (v39)? But to where did He now direct the rebellious generation (v40)? What did they now tell whom that they had done (v41)? But which command do they now want to obey, by doing what? What does YHWH have to say to this (v42)? And what does Moses say to them (v43)? But what do they do to YHWH? And what do they try? With what results (v44)? And how did they respond to this defeat (v45)? But how does YHWH receive their weeping prayers? With what ongoing outcome (v46)?  

Of what must each generation be reminded? Deuteronomy 1:19–46 looks forward to the evening sermon on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twenty-eight verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that every generation must be reminded of the dangers of unbelief and rebellion, and of our need of God’s grace to make us trusting, loving, submissive, and obedient.

Again, the text reminds us that, forty years ago, Israel was right on the cusp of entering the land (v21). The spy-mission plan pleases Moses (v23), and is permitted by the Lord, and indeed the report is good (v25). But their response is bad (v26). v27 gives us a subtle detail, easy to miss but important to learn from: the public rebellion began with what they told themselves in their tents. Let us beware of harboring unbelief and ingratitude in our hearts and our homes, lest they infect our church and bring God’s chastening down upon her!

The unbelief in v28 is worse than thinking too much of the Amorites. It is much, much worse to think too little of God (v30)! Do you consider that? That when you decide that you are going to be able to make it, you are either denying that God is with you, or that God is able, or both. But He had amply demonstrated His power (v30), love (v31) and faithfulness (v33) to them—just as He has to you, dear reader.

Note that although the generation being now addressed is the one named in v39, Moses still addresses them in the second person. They didn’t commit the rebellion of their fathers actively, but they were “in” their fathers when they did so, and their fathers’ rebellion is in them. They need to be reminded and warned against unbelief and rebellion. And so do we. We have all sinned in our first father, Adam. Unbelief and rebellion is in all of us. 

A symptom of this rebellion is seen even in our “repentance,” sometimes. One wonders what Israel were thinking, complaining against going into the land. For, as soon as the Lord commands them back into the wilderness (v40), they are suddenly ready to go into the land (v41)! “We have sinned!” they cry—even as they re proposing to disobey again. The self-deception of the religious feelings in their tears (v45) is exposed by their persistence in disobedience and ingratitude. We know that this was not true contrition, for the Lord Who loves (and gives!) true contrition (cf. Ps 34:18, 51:17; Is 55:17, 66:2) rejects their cry.

What should we say, then? We should say what God was saying, as He is preparing them to hear the rest of this sermon: when we are commanded and convicted by His Word, we must respond by His grace. We must respond in faith, remembering Who He is, and making Him our chief consideration in every circumstance. We must respond in sincerity, that is both sentiment and obedience, “wholly following YHWH” (v36). We cannot afford to indulge doubting, grumbling, or rebellion. Not even “in our tents” (v27). 

The Lord is still the same powerful, loving, faithful God to us now, as He was to them, then. In fact, He has made much greater demonstration of this in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. And He is therefore worthy of all of our thanks, trust, love, and obedience. Indeed, He is able to give it to us, which He does by means of His Word and Spirit, which is why He has given you to worship Him through this passage just now, dear reader. Look to Him for that grace!

In what part of your life are you tempted to consider the obstacles that you face more than Him with Whom you face them? How do you guard against the assumption that your religious feelings are sincere? What has the renewed submission of true repentance looked like in your life? What is some of the history of God’s power and love and faithfulness in your own life? How do you combine that with the account of those things in Scripture, to form your understanding of Him and interaction with Him?

Sample prayer: Lord, we thank You and praise You for being the powerful God, Who brought Israel out of Egypt and have provided the righteousness and atonment of our Lord Jesus Christ. And we thank You and praise You for being the loving God, Who carried Israel like a man does His Son, and Who allows nothing to separate us from Your love, which is in Christ Jesus. And we thank You and praise You for being the faithful God, Who went in the way with Israel by cloud and fire, and Who never leaves us nor forsakes us, but constantly attends us by Your Holy Spirit. Grant, by Your same Spirit, that we would have truly contrite hearts before You, as demonstrated in lives of submission and obedience, by the grace of Christ, through Whom we ask it, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP51B “From My Sins, O Hide Your Face” or TPH394 “Eternal Spirit, God of Truth” 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Slain for the Sovereign Lamb [Family Worship lesson in Revelation 6:9–11]

What are believers in glory waiting for? Revelation 6:9–11 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these three verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that believers in glory are waiting for the ingathering of all the elect, and the subsequent vindication of the judgment of God.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.02.27 Hopewell @Home ▫ Revelation 6:9–11

Read Revelation 6:9–11

Questions from the Scripture text: What did the Lamb open in v9? Where did John see? What? Of whom? For what two things had they been slain? What did they do (v10)? With what sort of voice? What is the primary question? What do they call the Lord? About the timing of what two actions are they asking? What was given to them (v11)? What were they to do? For how long? Until what two numbers were completed?

What are believers in glory waiting for? Revelation 6:9–11 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these three verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that believers in glory are waiting for the ingathering of all the elect, and the subsequent vindication of the judgment of God.

What they are waiting for. Persecution, and the punishment of it, are under the sovereign authority of the Lamb. It is He Who opens the seal that initiates the exchange in v10–11. The devil violently hates the church, and his seed are at enmity with the seed of the woman. Until the return of Christ, believers will be violently persecuted. Jesus warned about this (Jn 16:2–3, 33). The apostle warned about this (2Tim 3:12). 

If you are a Christian, you should not expect to be excepted. But, you may certainly expect that God will judge and avenge the blood of His saints. This is not a vindictive cry, which would contradict Mt 5:44, Lk 23:34, Ac 7:60, Rom 10:1, etc. But it is a desire that the justice of God would be vindicated. And it is  loud cry (v10). They love God’s justice and the vindication of it.

The nature of their waiting. But believers who are slain for the Word of God and their testimony to Christ (v9) are not defeated. In fact, thy have overcome (cf. 12:11). Here, their souls are in glory—even right under the altar (v9)! And they are dressed in white (v11)—indicating that they are both counted righteous before God and constituted righteous by God. And their waiting is described as “rest.”

The purpose of the delay. Why is God waiting? If He loves His church so much, and the vindication of His justice is on the line, what is so important that it could delay judgment? There are two numbers that need to be completed. 

First, the number of their fellow servants and their brethren (v11). The Lord has elected particular people to everlasting life, and Jesus will not return until they have all been brought to a saving knowledge of Christ, adopted as children of the Father, and been indwelt by the Spirit of the Son (cf. 2Pet 3:9). 

The second number that must be completed is the number of those who would be killed as they were. The honor of being martyred for Christ is a great one, and none of those for whom it has been determined will miss out on that honor. Furthermore, it is a set number. It happens according to the wise plan and loving foreknowledge of God. 

The persecution of believers is under the sovereign authority of the Lamb. If you are to suffer, or even perish, for Christ, dear reader, you can be sure that it happens by His own “opening of the seal.” As the Lamb, He is carrying out the sovereign decree that also belongs to Him as “the One Who sits upon the throne.” 

What persecution have you suffered? What persecution might you suffer? Who is in control of it? Why does He permit it to continue?

Sample prayer:  Lord, forgive us for our unwillingness to suffer, or even die, for the word of God and for the testimony of the gospel. And forgive us, on the other hand, for not loving Your justice enough that we would cry out to You with a loud voice for that justice to be vindicated. Forgive us for not being as patient as You are for Christ’s return, because we do not desire as You do that none should perish, but that all of the elect should come to the knowledge of the truth. Forgive us, and cleanse us, we pray, until we wear the white robes of holiness in glory, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

 Suggested songs: ARP109A “God of My Praise” or TPH404 “The Church’s One Foundation” 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

2025.02.26 Midweek Meeting Livestream (live at 6:30p)

Click below for the:
February 26 Prayer Meeting Folder
Proverbs 11:15–31 sermon outline
We urge you to assemble physically, if possible, with a true congregation of Christ's church. For those of our own congregation who may be providentially hindered, we are grateful to be able to provide this service.

IF you are unable to get the stream to work, or simply wish to save on data, you can listen in simply by calling 712.432.3410 and entering 70150 at the prompt.

Each week we livestream the Lord's Day (Sabbath School, Morning Public Worship, and p.m. Singing and Sermon) and Midweek Meeting (sermon and prayer). For notifications when Hopewell is streaming live, install the CHURCHONE APP on your [Apple], [Android], or [Kindle] device, and enter hopewellarp for your broadcaster.