Wednesday, January 08, 2025

2025.01.08 Hopewell @Home ▫ Amos 9:1–10

Read Amos 9:1–10

Questions from the Scripture text: Whom does Amos see in Amos 9:1a? What did He say to do (verse 1b)? With what effect (verse 1b–c)? and then what will He do (verse 1d)? Who will survive this (verse 1d–e)? How impossible will escape be (Amos 9:2-3)? Why can’t anywhere in creation provide refuge (Amos 9:3d)? Even what, otherwise undesirable, circumstance cannot provide refuge (Amos 9:4a–c)? Why (verse 4d)? How great is His power on the earth (Amos 9:5)? And in the heavens (Amos 9:6)? What Name implies this power (verse 6e)? For what nations has He providentially cared (Amos 9:7)? And how does He repay sinful nations (Amos 9:8–b)? But to whom will He not completely do this (verse 8c–d)? What is He doing, instead, with their judgment (Amos 9:9)? What is He preserving in all of this (verse 9d)? But who will not be preserved (Amos 9:10a)? And by what sort of thinking can these be identified (verse 10b)? 

How sure is the destruction of Israel? Amos 9:1–10 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these ten verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the destruction of Israel is as sure as the glory of YHWH, but His saving the elect is equally as sure.

Whether people think it “out loud,” or simply operate as if it were the case, many live as if the judgment of God will not overtake or confront them (Amos 9:10b). But, in the light of what He has said in His Word (like in this passage), or made known in our hearts (cf. Romans 1:32), thinking this way is not just ignorance, but rebellion. 

The Lord’s judgment cannot be evaded either by religion (Amos 9:1), location (Amos 9:2-3), or intervention (Amos 9:4). There is no escape. And this is especially because of Who it is that has “set His eyes upon them for harm” (verse 4d). It is “the Lord YHWH of hosts” (Amos 9:5a) […] “YHWH is His Name” (Amos 9:6e). He is supremely sovereign over all creation and providence, as especially demonstrated in the flood (verse 6, cf. Genesis 7:11). And there is no nation, except that He has raised it up (Amos 9:7), and no wicked nation except that He will destroy it from the face of the earth (Amos 9:8).

What is amazing, here, is that although they are acting according to the name Jacob (Amos 9:8c), He will not utterly destroy them, but rather treat them according to the name Israel (Amos 9:9b). He will produce among them those who are good grain (verse 9c), and not the least of them will be lost (verse 9d). He shows saving mercy! And it is just as impossible that this mercy would fail to save the elect as it is that judgment would fail to fall upon the wicked. And these wicked can be identified by their thinking in Amos 9:10b: they willfully ignore the coming judgment, even though the Lord has plainly told them.

How does the certainty of the judgment of the wicked help you against sin? How does the certainty of mercy to the elect help you against despair? To Whom do both of these point you for safety and holiness?

Sample prayer:  Lord, we deserve for You to command the sword to slay us—for You to set Your eyes upon us for harm and not for good. Truly, You are the almighty Judge, Whose Name is YHWH. So, Your almighty mercy is our only hope, and we pray that, when You sift Your visible church, You would be pleased to preserve us as good grain. Do not let us be those Who deny Your coming judgment, but save us in it, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

 Suggested Songs: ARP51A “God, Be Merciful to Me” or TPH51C “God, Be Merciful to Me” 

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Motive to Honor Authorities [Westminster Shorter Catechism 66—Theology Simply Explained]

Pastor walks his children through Westminster Shorter Catechism question 66—especially explaining how the Lord doesn’t only tell us to honor authorities, but sets before us motives for doing so.

Q66. What is the reason annexed to the fifth commandment? The reason annexed to the fifth commandment is a promise of long life and prosperity (as far as it shall serve for God’s glory and their own good) to all such as keep this commandment.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

Holy Happiness! [Family Worship lesson in Psalm 128]

What happiness does the Lord give? Psalm 128 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these six verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the Lord, Who is our happiness, makes us happy in His blessing us in our work and families, and especially in His church.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.01.07 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 128

Read Psalm 128

Questions from the Scripture text: What sort of song is this (superscript)? Who is blessed (Psalm 128:1a)? What does he do (verse 1b)? What does he eat (Psalm 128:2a)? What will his condition be like (verse 2b)? What will his wife be like (Psalm 128:3a–b)? What will his children be like (verse 3c–d)? How does Psalm 128:4 summarize this? Who will bless him from where (Psalm 128:5a)? With what blessing (verse 5b)? For how long (verse 5c)? With what personal result (Psalm 128:6a)? And what corporate result (verse 6b)? 

What happiness does the Lord give? Psalm 128 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these six verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the Lord, Who is our happiness, makes us happy in His blessing us in our work and families, and especially in His  church.   

Happy! That’s the first word in this Psalm (translated “blessed” in Psalm 128:1). This happiness comes by the fear of YHWH—living in wonder at Him and s worship unto Him. What does walking in His ways (verse 1b) look like?

It looks like diligent, fruitful labor (Psalm 128:2a).

Happy marriage, with a thriving wife (Psalm 128:3a), who is at the control center of the household (verse 3b).

Children who shoot up green and alive (verse 3c–d where “plants” is more “shoots”) but with the promise of thousands of years of strength and productivity. 

And biblical blessedness goes beyond the home to the church. The blessing comes both from Zion (Psalm 128:5a) and for the good of Zion (aka Jerusalem, verse 5b). The two are tied together. His hope and happiness is that his children’s children (Psalm 128:6a) would be used of God in giving peace, shalom, to the church (verse 6b). O let us fear the Lord, so that we will not only define happiness according to His Word, but obtain that happiness by His grace! 

How does your definition of earthly happiness compare to the happiness described in this Psalm? In particular, how does the corporate prosperity and peace of the church relate to it? 

Sample prayer:  Lord, we have our happiness in knowing You and fearing You. You have made us happy in our work, our marriages, and our generations. And, particularly, You have made us happy in Your church, which is Your holy mountain and your holy city. Now, as we gather to You as Your Israel, give us to rejoice in You with her, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

Suggested Songs: ARP127 “Unless the LORD Build Up the House” or TPH127A “Unless the Lord the House Shall Build”

Monday, January 06, 2025

What Washing Shows in Baptism [Children's Catechism 127—Theology Simply Explained]

Pastor walks his children through Children's Catechism question 127—especially explaining how the washing in Baptism shows the application of Christ to us for life, forgiveness, consecration, and cleansing; all of which is applied to us by His Holy Spirit, Whom He pours out.

Q127. What does this signify? That we are cleansed from sin by the blood of Christ.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

The LORD's Eternal Delight [Family Worship lesson in Proverbs 8:22–36]

Who is Wisdom? Proverbs 8:22–36 looks forward to the sermon in this week’s midweek meeting. In these fifteen verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that Christ is, unto us, the wisdom of God, indeed God Himself, the Creator.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.01.06 Hopewell @Home ▫ Proverbs 8:22–36

Read Proverbs 8:22–36

Questions from the Scripture text: Who possessed wisdom, when (Proverbs 8:22a)? Before what (verse 22b)? When was He established (Proverbs 8:23)? How was He established (Proverbs 8:24-25)? What was not yet done (Proverbs 8:26)? Who was there for the doing of what things (Proverbs 8:27-29)? What was His role (Proverbs 8:30)? What was God’s disposition toward Him (verse 30b)? What was His own disposition (verse 30c)? In what else did wisdom rejoice (Proverbs 8:31)? How does wisdom address the reader in Proverbs 8:32a? What will be their disposition/condition, if they do what (verse 32b)? So what must they do (Proverbs 8:33a)? And what mustn’t they do (verse 33b)? What does “hearing instruction” (cf. verse 33a) look like (Proverbs 8:34b–c)? What will they thus find (Proverbs 8:35)? What do they do to Him if they do not listen (Proverbs 8:36a)? And what do they do to themselves? What is their disposition to Him if they do not listen (verse 36b)? What do they love (verse 36b)?

Who is Wisdom? Proverbs 8:22–36 looks forward to the sermon in this week’s midweek meeting. In these fifteen verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that Christ is, unto us, the wisdom of God, indeed God Himself, the Creator.  

Finally, wisdom is presented not just a personified attribute, but a Person. The second Person of the Godhead, to be exact. It’s obvious, in this passage, that this is God the Son, Who would become the Man, the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. John 1:3; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:3). YHWH’s great possession (Proverbs 8:22) is not any created thing or being, but Him Himself. This is the glorious inheritance of the saints, when they inherit together with the Lord (cf. Romans 8:17; Ephesians 1:11).

Proverbs 8:25b indicates something of the union of the Triune Godhead and one of the personal properties of the Son (that He is begotten of the Father). This is the same idea that is related in the New Testament by the term monogenes, only-begotten (μονογενής, cf. John 1:14, John 1:18, John 3:16, John 3:18; Hebrews 11:17; 1 John 4:9). More than this, we cannot say, because it touches something within God Himself, and we can only say whatever He says.

Proverbs 8:26-29 poetically recap Genesis 1:1–10Proverbs 8:30a makes clear that this personified “Wisdom” is more than just a possession; He is equal with God Himself. He Himself is Craftsman of creation. But He is something before any creation. He is both the joy of God (verse 30b) and delighter in God (verse 30c). God’s delight in Himself is further expressed in delight in His creatures, especially in His image-bearers (Proverbs 8:31). This is the Lord’s pleasure in saving: redeeming those who come to be happy (more literal than “blessed” in Proverbs 8:32b, Proverbs 8:34a) in Him. This is the ultimate nature of finding wisdom: listening to Christ (verse 34a) about Christ. Eagerly desiring Him, and doing all that we can to have Him (verse 34b–c), because having Him is having the pleasure of God Himself (Proverbs 8:35). 

Failing to value and desire Christ like this is to sin against Him (Proverbs 8:36a) and hate Him (verse 36b). Let that sink in. We must not let ourselves dismiss, as mere spiritual apathy, what is really the sinning against Jesus and hating Jesus. To do so is wicked blasphemy, and irrational self-destruction.

How is “watching daily” and “waiting for” Christ reflected in your habits and priorities? In what (Whom?) do you find your happiness? What place does the deity of Christ, as the Creator, have in your thoughts of Him? What are you hoping to inherit with the Lord Jesus?

Sample prayer:  Lord Jesus, we praise You, Who are the delight of the Father from all eternity. Grant unto us to delight in You as He does, and to delight in the Father as You do, by the ministry of Your Spirit, which we ask in Your Name, AMEN! 

Suggested songs: ARP26 “LORD, Vindicate Me” or TPH400 “Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me”

Sunday, January 05, 2025

2025.01.05 Lord's Day Livestreams (live at 10:10a, 11a, 3p Central Time)

Click below for the:
January 5 Lord's Day Worship Booklet
Matthew 13:54–58 sermon outline
3p.m. song selections & Numbers 31:25–54 sermon outline
We urge you to assemble physically, if possible, with a true congregation of Christ's church. For those of our own congregation who may be providentially hindered, we are grateful to be able to provide this service.

IF you are unable to get the stream to work, or simply wish to save on data, you can listen in simply by calling 712.432.3410 and entering 70150 at the prompt.

Each week we livestream the Lord's Day (Sabbath School, Morning Public Worship, and p.m. Singing and Sermon) and Midweek Meeting (sermon and prayer). For notifications when Hopewell is streaming live, install the CHURCHONE APP on your [Apple], [Android], or [Kindle] device, and enter hopewellarp for your broadcaster.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Where Wisdom Takes You [2025.01.01 Midweek Sermon in Proverbs 8:12–21]

Wisdom begins with the Lord's everlasting love, brings the elect into the fear of the Lord, conforms them to Him, and gives them Himself as their reward.

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

The Wickedness of Skepticism [Family Worship lesson in Matthew13:54–58]

What is doubting Christ? Matthew 13:54–58 prepares us for the sermon in the morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these five verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that doubting Christ is wicked unbelief.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)