Read Revelation 7
Questions from the Scripture text: Whom does John see, where (Revelation 7:1)? What are they holding? In order to keep it from doing what? What does he then see in Revelation 7:2? What did this angel have? To whom did he cry? What did he say not to do (Revelation 7:3)? Until when? What does John hear in Revelation 7:4? What is the number? Of whom? How many from which groups in Revelation 7:5-8? What does John now see in Revelation 7:9? What is the number of this multitude? From what nations are they? Where are they? How are they clothed? What do they have in their hands? What are they doing (Revelation 7:10)? What do they cry? Who else are around the throne (Revelation 7:11)? What do they do? What do they say (Revelation 7:12)? Who answers in Revelation 7:13, asking what? How does John answer him (Revelation 7:14)? What does the elder say about them? How did they whiten their robes? Where are they (Revelation 7:15)? What do they do? When? Who will do what with them? What doesn’t happen to them anymore (Revelation 7:16)? Who sees to this (Revelation 7:17)? What will He do for them? What will God do for them?
What comfort do believers have in this age of tribulation? Revelation 7 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these seventeen verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that believers in this world are sealed unto salvation, and go to the blessedness of this salvation when they pass from this world.
There are two multitudes in this chapter, one on earth and one in heaven.
The timing of the first multitude is made plain by the positioning of the angels in Revelation 7:1 and the prohibition in Revelation 7:3. The end of this world is not permitted until God’s seal has been placed upon the elect in this world. That is to say: the world cannot end until they have been brought to faith in Jesus Christ and received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (cf. Ephesians 4:30).
As indicated by the number 12 (12 tribes of 12 thousands), these belong to the church in this world. The number 12 has this designation from God Himself, being the number of tribes that He gave the church in the administration under Moses, and the number of apostles by whom the Lord Jesus laid the foundation of the church in the administration under Him as Christ.
It is a great comfort to know that, in this age of so many tribulations (cf. Revelation 6:3–8), not only is the gospel successfully conquering (Revelation 6:1–2), but God has a specific regard for ensuring the salvation of every, specific believer. He has specific regard for you, dear Christian.
The second multitude is not on earth but in heaven. And, while 144,000 is a comparatively small number, the emphasis with this second multitude is how many they are. They are, of course, a set number (cf. Revelation 6:11, 2 Timothy 2:19). But, there are so many that it’s higher than you can count. Believers are a sealed minority in this world, but in eternity there are more than can be counted (cf. Luke 13:23–30).
The timing of this group is also clear, as this is the same assembly (Revelation 7:11) that has been seen in chapters 4–5, dressed in the same garments (Revelation 7:9) as those in the fifth seal (cf. Revelation 6:9–11), participating in the same activity that we have seen from that assembly (Revelation 7:11-12).
As they pass from this life, they pass from the experiences in seals 2–4 (the “great tribulation” of Revelation 7:14) and into the experiences of chapters 4–5, the “resting” referred to in Revelation 6:11. More attention is given, now, to their white robes. What laundry detergent has gotten them so white? The blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:14)! Now they worship, night and day, with absolutely no tribulation whatsoever (Revelation 7:16-17). They have come to experience the blessedness of Psalm 23 in its ultimate form.
What a great comfort to know that, throughout this entire age of tribulation, there is that innumerable multitude of witnesses (cf. Hebrews 11:39–12:1) that has come through already, with whom the church on earth joins, when in public worship (cf. Hebrews 12:22–24). We join with them now, Sabbath by Sabbath, by faith. And we shall soon join them finally and fully.
Who is keeping this world from being destroyed? Why? What comfort does this give you, if you are sealed by the Holy Spirit? How are you participating in the gathering in of believers? What are you looking forward to when you leave this world?
Sample prayer: Lord, forgive us for when we are more impressed with the tribulations of this age, than with Your preservation of Your saints in it. Forgive us for when we do not value visible church membership, when You number every church member. And forgive us for how we have not found our rest in Your public worship, the way that You have given Your glorified saints to find rest in the worship of heaven. Be our Shepherd, and grant that we would lack nothing, until You bring us into everlasting and perfect blessedness, we ask, through Christ, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP23B “The Lord’s My Shepherd” or TPH404 “The Church’s One Foundation”