Read Hosea 4:11–19
Questions from the Scripture text: Against what things does Hosea 4:11 warn? Whose are the people in Hosea 4:12? But from whom do they ask counsel (verse 12a)? Or get information (verse 12b)? What does verse 12c call this, and what has it done to them? What have they done (verse 12d)? How are “harlotry” worship decision made (Hosea 4:13a–d)? What has this spiritual harlotry resulted in (Hosea 4:13-14b)? And to what was the harlotry of the daughters and wives a response (Hosea 4:14c–d)? What will be the outcome of this spiritual, and actual, harlotry (verse 14e)? To whom does Hosea 4:15a–b especially present this as a warning? What other aspects of Israel’s false worship are described in Hosea 4:15c–e)? How does Hosea 4:16a–b now describe Israel? And how do verse 16c–d describe YHWH’s response? What reversal does Hosea 4:17 command? How do they feel about their rebellion, harlotry, and dishonor (Hosea 4:18)? In what will a spirit (NKJ “wind”) wrap Israel up (Hosea 4:19)? And what will they be brought to think of their sacrifices?
How does grace respond to the stubborn sinners whom it is redeeming? Hosea 4:11–19 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these nine verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that grace constrains those whom it is redeeming by making them ashamed of the very sin that they once loved and were proud of.
The Ultimate Seeker-Friendly Church, Hosea 4:11-14. The line between physical fornication in cult ritual and spiritual fornication against YHWH is blurred in these verses. It is difficult to know which is being described when. However, the picture is clear: the mixing of true worship with man’s desires, in the north, is just a whole lot more “fun” than sticking to YHWH’s own prescribed methods of worship. After all, the Reformed Church of YHWH in Jerusalem doesn’t offer such community ministries as happy hour in the fellowship hall or a ritual harlotry after morning worship. They even decide where to hold services by selecting whatever location is most convenient and enjoyable—“The shade is good.” Attendance at this contemporary service is apparently so good, that the men enjoy so much harlotry that their daughters and wives become harlots elsewhere.
Charge to the Faithful, Hosea 4:15. With such an attractive church nearby, it is necessary to charge the members of the Reformed Church of YHWH (see above) not to cross over and make the very short trek to Bethel or Gilgal to attend services, even though those services might be held “in the Name of YHWH.” Those in more biblical churches (in this case, Judah) may be tempted to follow the methods of those who have achieved greater popularity or desirability to men. But one of the reasons for the public judgment of Israel/Ephraim (the northern kingdom) is as a caution to Judah (the south).
Grace Wins, Hosea 4:16. After the interruption of Hosea 4:15, YHWH declares His intentions of grace once more. We have seen the amazing logic of grace in the first three chapters, but the picture here is so stark, it is still hard to swallow. Even some the best English translations change the second half of Hosea 4:16 to a rhetorical question to try to negate it, although there is no evidence in the text. In the text, however, it is a statement. Precisely because Israel is stubborn as a calf, YHWH will show the greatness of His power by restoring them to His sheep. Because we are sinners, He glorifies Himself in overcoming our sin’s guilt, power, and consequences.
The Mechanism of Grace, Hosea 4:17-19. Here we see how grace works. Since they are united to their idols, YHWH orders that they be caused to rest alone. He will remove them from that to which they are joined, to make them to be by themselves (Hosea 4:17). Even separated from the revelry of the false worship, they continue to fornicate against YHWH (Hosea 4:18). They are determined in their infidelity and shame. Yet, a spirit (NKJ, “wind,” Hosea 4:19) shall bind them.
The chapter ends with grace—the simple statement that they will be ashamed. Though they are determined to enjoy shame, His determination toward grace makes it inevitable that they will be ashamed of it. It is not good when we can sin shamelessly. Grace will make us ashamed of it, as it made Israel ashamed of their sacrifices.
Would you like to have worship decisions made according to what seems pleasant to men? Why or why not? When do you need to remind yourself of that the most? What does this passage warn you against, in thinking of more “popular” churches? Why would grace choose to operate upon you? Of what might you need to be ashamed?
Sample prayer: Lord, forgive us, for just as with harlotry and alcoholism, we have even thought of worship in terms of how we could indulge ourselves. And, even when we have been more faithful, like Judah, we have been jealous of those whose worship is more popular, as Israel’s was. We are sinners. Just as you did with Israel, the stubborn calf, overcome and overrule our sin by Your grace. Don’t permit us to be happy with our sin, but constrain us, like those being wrapped with wings, and make us ashamed of all our sin. Thus, make us to turn from it to You, by Your Spirit, we ask through Your Son, AMEN!
Suggested Songs: ARP51AB “God, Be Merciful to Me” or TPH433 “Amazing Grace”