Read Deuteronomy 2:1–25
Questions from the Scripture text: After the rebellion about the report of the spies, what did Israel do (Deuteronomy 2:1, cf. Deuteronomy 1:40)? What did they skirt around, for how long? Who spoke to whom in Deuteronomy 2:2? What did He say about their time going around Mt. Seir (Deuteronomy 2:3)? What did He now tell them to do? Where did He say this would take them (Deuteronomy 2:4)? How did He say Esau would respond? What did He say they should do? What did He tell them not to do (Deuteronomy 2:5)? Why not? How did He tell them to get food and drink (Deuteronomy 2:6)? What had YHWH done for them (Deuteronomy 2:7)? How much? For how long? With what results? So, what route did Israel take (Deuteronomy 2:8)? Where did this take them? What did YHWH say not to do (Deuteronomy 2:9)? Why not? To whom had He given it? Who had previously dwelt there (Deuteronomy 2:10)? What/whom were they like (Deuteronomy 2:10-11)? And who had previously dwelt in Seir (Deuteronomy 2:12)? But who had come and done what? In what fashion? What did the Lord command in Deuteronomy 2:13? And what did Israel do? How long passed between what two events (Deuteronomy 2:14)? In order for what to happen? In accord with what? How did this occur (Deuteronomy 2:15)? What occasioned a new phase (Deuteronomy 2:16)? Who spoke to whom in Deuteronomy 2:17? What did He say to do, when (Deuteronomy 2:18)? What did He say not to do (Deuteronomy 2:19)? Why not? To whom had He given it? To what sort of people had it previously belonged (Deuteronomy 2:20)? Like whom (Deuteronomy 2:21)? But Who had done what to them? Just as He had done for whom (Deuteronomy 2:22)? And to whom else (Deuteronomy 2:23)? So, where did the Lord now command Israel to go (Deuteronomy 2:24)? Whom, and what, had He given into their hand? What did He command them to do? What did He say that He would begin doing, when (Deuteronomy 2:25)? To whom? From where? How?
What did Israel see, when they approached to enter the land? Deuteronomy 2:1–25 looks forward to the evening sermon on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twenty-five verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that Israel saw just how foolish and wicked their unbelief had been.
Probably every believer has had this experience: he was anxious, or he doubted, or he disobeyed—then the Lord brought him out of it, and through it. He saw, and remembered, the greatness of God’s love and wisdom and power, and he began to realize just how ridiculous that anxiety, or doubt, or disobedience, had been.
This is Israel’s experience after thirty-eight years going around Mt. Seir (Deuteronomy 2:14). The Lord begins to direct them toward the promised land, and everywhere they go, YHWH has taken that land from a people as intimidating and numerous as the Anakim (Deuteronomy 2:11, Deuteronomy 2:20, Deuteronomy 2:23), and given it to some underpowered people from Abraham’s extended family (Deuteronomy 2:5, Deuteronomy 2:9, Deuteronomy 2:19). How silly our unbelief is! Whenever we are tempted to anxiety or doubt, let us remember that the Lord has done harder things before. Would He do that for Edom, or Moab, or Ammon, and then not do it for Israel themselves?!
And applying the logic of the text to your own life, dear Christian reader, will He do such things throughout history, and then stop short of perfect faithfulness, deliverance, and blessing for one who is united to His beloved Son?! Indeed, the logic of even this passage is dwarfed by that in Romans 8:32. He Who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not, together with Him, freely give us all things?! His resumé and track record are such that we must give Him our full trust. And therefore follow Him with full obedience.
Now, we might chide ourselves for our unbelief. And well would we do so. But let us not miss that the point of this passage is not merely that the generation that was consumed in the wilderness richly deserved it (Deuteronomy 2:15-16). Rather, the point is that the Lord keeps His Word. He kept His Word, in which He had sworn to consume them (Deuteronomy 2:14). And now He was keeping His Word to give Israel the land, and particularly to give the children of that generation the land (Deuteronomy 2:7, Deuteronomy 2:25). He was beginning to do, for the children, the very thing that the foolish and wicked parents had doubted that He could or would do.
How faithful is our God! His promises can never fall to the ground. And what marvelous patience He extends to us, in that faithfulness! If this passage has exposed your heart, behold how worthy He is of your repentance, and how entirely He welcomes it and extends to You His grace to sustain it! He has given you Christ. He will surely give you all things.
When have you had anxieties or doubts that the Lord subsequently proved were misguided? What anxieties and doubts do you have now? Into what disobedience do they threaten to lead you? What is your habit for reminding yourself of what the Lord has promised? What is your habit for reminding yourself of what the Lord has already done?
Sample prayer: Lord, we are so grateful for Your reminding us of Your wonderful works—and especially the wonderful work of Christ’s accomplishing our redemption. Now, make us to live in the confidence that the redemption that You have accomplished, Your Spirit will most assuredly apply to us. So, make us respond in faith and love that produce every good work in Christ, through Whom we ask it, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP78B “O Come, My People” or TPH433 “Amazing Grace”