Read Deuteronomy 3:12–22
Questions from the Scripture text: What does Deuteronomy 3:12 say about the land where this sermon is being preached (verse 12)? What are its boundaries? To whom did YHWH give it? To what land does Deuteronomy 3:13 refer? Whose kingdom was it? To whom did YHWH give it? What had all this land previously been called? Who took Argob and Bashan (Deuteronomy 3:14)? What did he call it? To which son of Manasseh did YHWH give Gilead (Deuteronomy 3:15)? How do Deuteronomy 3:16-17 describe whose possession? Then what did Moses do to them (Deuteronomy 3:18)? Whom did he say had done what for them? Now who were commanded to do what? Whom would they leave behind (Deuteronomy 3:19)? What special consideration was made? Until when did they need to do this—what two things would YHWH give whom (Deuteronomy 3:20)? Then what may the men of valor do? Whom else did Moses command (Deuteronomy 3:21)? When? Of what does he remind him? What does he promise him? What command (prohibition) does he give him (Deuteronomy 3:22)? Why mustn’t he fear?
How should we respond to the memory of God’s great and gracious dealings? Deuteronomy 3:12–22 looks forward to the evening sermon on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eleven verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that we should respond to God’s greatness and grace with trust, praise, thankfulness, obedience, and courage.
As he introduces his final sermon, Moses is winding down the historical review of their relationship to YHWH, their own covenant God, Who binds them to Himself and to His law. He will then remind them of why this has to be his last sermon, as he cannot enter the land with them (cf. Deuteronomy 3:23–29). Then, He will urge upon them the importance of keeping God’s law (especially the second commandment, chapter 4), restate the Ten Commandments as the “text” for the sermon (chapter 5), explain and apply that law to the life of Israel as a nation-church (chapters 6–26), before establishing the blessings and curses of their covenant with God as it is established going forward (chapters 27–34).
Here, then, is the end to the historical review of their relationship thus far with the Lord. Having reminded them of the Lord’s power and faithfulness in giving them victory over Sihon and Og (cf. Deuteronomy 2:26–3:11), Moses now reminds them of the commandments given at the time, as he applies to them the lessons learned on this side of the Jordan, in preparation for their calling as they cross over into the land.
Trust Him for His faithfulness. He has begun to give an inheritance to His people, as He promised (Deuteronomy 3:12-13a).
Praise Him for His greatness. That which He gave them used to be called “the land of the giants” (Deuteronomy 3:13b).
Thank Him for His generosity. Behold all that He has given to Reuben, Gad, and half-Manasseh (Deuteronomy 3:14-17).
Obey Him, as He commands you. The reason that these men of valor from the two-and-half tribes are with the rest of Israel is that the Lord has commanded them. One might say, “if YHWH Himself fights for them (cf. Deuteronomy 3:22), why would they need their brethren to come fight with them?” The Lord, Who fights for them, and Who gives them the land, has commanded them to. It is an honor and a privilege to be used by Him. And it is our duty to do whatever He says.
Have courage in Him, as He glorifies Himself in doing you good. They had what the Lord did to Egypt in their cultural memory. But what He did to Sihon and Og, they had seen with their own eyes (Deuteronomy 3:22). You, too, dear Christian have seen that the Lord’s dealing with you in your life tracks with His glory and grace in all of Scripture and history. Not only have you seen this in many other events and moments, but you have especially seen this in your conversion. Fear nothing that is before you, for YHWH your God Himself works in your behalf!
What biggest thing has the Lord done in your own life? What are some other things that He has done? How have these been causes for your praising Him? Thanking Him? Trusting Him? Obeying Him? Having courage?
Sample prayer: Lord, we praise and thank You for Who You are in Yourself, and Whom You have shown Yourself to be in our lives—especially in our conversion. Grant that we would always remember this—always remember that You are perfectly faithful. Make us to count obedience as a privilege and honor, and give us courage to do everything as those who have You Yourself, especially in Christ, and by His Spirit—we ask in His Name, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP78B “O Come, My People” or TPH433 “Amazing Grace”