Wednesday, February 05, 2025

2025.02.05 Hopewell @Home ▫ Jonah 3:1–10

Read Jonah 3:1–10

Questions from the Scripture text: What came to whom (Jonah 3:1)? For him to go where (Jonah 3:2)? To do what? What did Jonah do (Jonah 3:3a)? According to what (verse 3b)? How big was Nineveh? What did Jonah begin doing in Jonah 3:4? What did he cry out and say? Whom did the people of Nineveh believe (Jonah 3:5)? What did they proclaim? What did they put on? Who participated? To whom did the word come (Jonah 3:6)? What did he do to himself? What did he do throughout Nineveh (Jonah 3:7)? Now, who (what!) were to participate in the fast? To whom were they to cry (Jonah 3:8)? From what were they to turn? Especially from what? What were they hoping (Jonah 3:9)? Who saw what in Jonah 3:10? What did He do? What didn’t He do?

How great is God’s grace? Jonah 3:1–10 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these ten verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that God’s grace reverses the rebellion of prophets, transforms the wickedness of evil nations, and forgives sinners their guilt before the righteous God.

This is a wonderful account of the grace of God. First, there is the marvelous transformation of Jonah, who does exactly “according to the Word of YHWH” (Jonah 3:3). 

Then, there is the general response of the people of Nineveh (Jonah 3:5). 

And third, there is the particular response of Nineveh’s king (Jonah 3:6). He even includes the animals in his proclamation (Jonah 3:7), requiring not only religious display of fasting (Jonah 3:8a), but also commitment to moral repentance (verse 8b).

How great is that grace that brings Assyrians to the response called for in Joel 2:14–15, consecrating a fast (Jonah 3:5, cf. Joel 2:15) in hope that YHWH will be pleased to relent (Jonah 3:9, cf. Joel 2:14). 

The final, and crowning, grace is that God does indeed relent (Jonah 3:10). The sustaining grace that gave them to turn in repentance was given precisely because God intended to respond to that repentance in forgiving grace.

What changes has God’s grace produced in you? To what changes of habit/practice has God’s grace brought you? With what forgiveness has God’s grace responded to you? How have you responded to His grace?

Sample prayer:  Lord, we marvel at the grace that You showed to Jonah. Make us to reverse all of our rebellions against You. And we marvel at the grace that You showed to transform Nineveh. Make us to repent, both in outward display, and in inward resolve against all of our sin. And we marvel at the grace that You showed to forgive Nineveh. Forgive us, too, for the sake of Christ, and grant that we would be His glad subjects forever, we ask in His Name, AMEN!

 Suggested Songs: ARP32AB “What Blessedness” or TPH98A “O Sing a New Song to the Lord” 

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Recordings▫Prayer Meeting▫Memory Work▫Lord's Day Prep [Hopewell This Week—2025.02.04 Hopewell Harbinger]

The worship booklet with Hopewell @Home devotionals is attached. The devotionals are not yet complete, but will be available as needed at May the Lord glorify Himself as He conforms you and your family to Christ, and employs you in His service.

Recent Preaching Audio/Video/Transcript Links

2025.01.22 Midweek Sermon [Proverbs 10:1–5, Wise Motivations]. Wisdom is motivated by whatever God promises to it.
2025.01.29 Midweek Sermon [Proverbs 10:1–21, All Ears]. With the delight that He has in Himself, within the Godhead, the LORD delights to create and redeem mankind—a delight into which He brings the redeemed, by means of His Word.

2025.01.26 Sabbath School [Westminster Confession 21.5: Oaths and Vows as Worship—Hopewell 101]. We continued studying through the Scriptural doctrine that our congregation confesses. This week, we continued Westminster Confession chapter 21—continuing in Article 5, and what makes oaths and vows a part of worship generally, and corporate worship, specifically.
2025.02.02 Sabbath School [Westminster Confession 21.5: Corporate Fasting and Thanksgiving—Hopewell 101]. We continued studying through the Scriptural doctrine that our congregation confesses. This week, we continued Westminster Confession chapter 21—continuing in Article 5 with Scripture’s call to corporate fasting, as God’s providence occasions it.

2025.01.26 Morning Sermon [Matthew 14:22–36, YHWH, Who Came Near to Save]. The Son came near, as the God-Man, to save us.
2025.02.02 Morning Sermon [Matthew 15:1–20, Defiled to the Core]. What comes from us is unclean, so we must have Christ, and what comes from Him, by His Spirit.

Provision for God’s Presence [2025.02.02 Evening Sermon in Numbers 35]

The people among whom God dwells must be holy, and He provides it.

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

Defiled to the Core [2025.02.02 Morning Sermon in Matthew 15:1–20]

What comes from us is unclean, so we must have Christ, and what comes from Him, by His Spirit.

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

Corporate Fasting and Thanksgiving [2025.02.02 Sabbath School in Westminster Confession 21.5—Hopewell 101]

We continued studying through the Scriptural doctrine that our congregation confesses. This week, we continued Westminster Confession chapter 21—continuing in Article 5 with Scripture’s call to corporate fasting, as God’s providence occasions it.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

Beloved, Blessed Forever-Kingdom [Family Worship lesson in Psalm132]

What does God think of the church? Psalm 132 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eighteen verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that God loves the church, dwells with the church, delights in the church, and provides for the church, for the sake of Christ.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)

2025.02.04 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 132

Read Psalm 132

Questions from the Scripture text: What type of song is this (superscript)? Whom does Psalm 132:1 address? Whom, and what, does it ask Him to remember? To Whom did he vow (Psalm 132:2), not to do what (Psalm 132:3-4), until he had done what (Psalm 132:5)? How far reaching was this known (Psalm 132:6)? What would they do in this place that David made (Psalm 132:7)? Who else would do what, there (Psalm 132:8-9)? Who would be the Lord’s focus there (Psalm 132:10)? Now Who has vowed (Psalm 132:11)? To whom? To do what? What must his Descendant do (Psalm 132:12a–b)? Then what will He do (verse 12c)? For what has YHWH chosen Zion, and why (Psalm 132:13-14)? What will He do for her (Psalm 132:15)? And for whom, within her, will He do what (Psalm 132:16)? What will He do for the Anointed, of David (Psalm 132:17-18), by contrast to what for whom (Psalm 132:18a)?

What does God think of the church? Psalm 132 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eighteen verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that God loves the church, dwells with the church, delights in the church, and provides for the church, for the sake of Christ.   

David desired to build the Lord a house of worship (Psalm 132:1-9, cf. 2 Samuel 7:1–7), but ultimately it would be the Lord Who built David a house (Psalm 132:10, cf. 2 Samuel 7:8–16). That house was bound up in the Anointed, great David’s greater Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. 

The Lord Jesus is the perfect covenant-Keeper (Psalm 132:12a), and testimony-Obeyer (verse 12b), Who will reign forever and ever (verse 12c). Jesus’s Zion is the place that the Lord loves and dwells in (Psalm 132:13-14), for which He provides (Psalm 132:15), and which He saves and gladdens (Psalm 132:16). God gives His Son to be David’s Son, Who will reign in strength, clarity, and dignity forever (Psalm 132:17-18)!

We must rejoice to be members of Christ’s city, and we should love her and devote ourselves to her, just as He loves her and devotes Himself to her. We must love the church and devote ourselves to the church, rejoicing in Christ’s glory in her!

How does your love for the church show up in your thoughts? Your speech? Your actions/habits? How often do you meditate upon how much God treasures those in whom His Son has come to dwell?

Sample prayer:  Lord, how wonderful to be part of Christ’s city, Christ’s Zion, where You have come to dwell among us and to gather us to Yourself for worship. Gladden us in Your strength and glory, and show forth Christ’s power, truth, and dignity, we ask in His Name, AMEN! 

Suggested Songs: ARP72C “May Waving Grain on Hilltops Thrive” or TPH87A “Zion, Founded on the Mountains”

Monday, February 03, 2025

God’s People’s Good Inheritance [2025.01.26 Evening Sermon in Numbers 33:50–34:29]

God wants His people to understand that they are receiving both Him Himself, and good gifts that He gives them the honor of participating in obtaining.

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

YHWH, Who Came Near to Save [2025.01.26 Morning Sermon in Matthew

The Son came near, as the God-Man, to save us.

(click here to DOWNLOAD video/mp3/pdf files of this sermon)

Oaths and Vows as Worship [2025.01.26 Sabbath School in Westminster Confession of Faith 21.5—Hopewell 101]

We continued studying through the Scriptural doctrine that our congregation confesses. This week, we continued Westminster Confession chapter 21—considering the next part of Article 5, and what makes oaths and vows a part of worship generally, and corporate worship, specifically.
(click here to DOWNLOAD mp3/pdf files of this lesson)