Read Revelation 2:12–17
Questions from the Scripture text: To which church’s messenger (NKJ “angel”) is Revelation 2:12 addressed? How does Jesus identify Himself in this letter? What two things does He know about them (Revelation 2:13)? And what does He know that they he done in these circumstances? Whom does He specify by name? What had he done? What was done to him? What does he repeat at the end of this verse? How much does He have against them (Revelation 2:14, cp. Revelation 2:4)? Whom do they have there? What doctrine do they hole? Whom had Balaam taught to do what? By getting Israel to do what? Whom also do they have with them (Revelation 2:15, cp. Revelation 2:6)? What does He tell them to do (Revelation 2:16)? Or else Who will come? And do what? Who are individually addressed in Revelation 2:17? What are they to hear? What are they to do? And what will they receive to eat? And what will they receive as a token?
What is worse than persecution? Revelation 2:12–17 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these six verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the world’s pull to fit in with it is a worse attack upon the church than direct persecution.
As we recently learned in Numbers, Balaam was unable to obtain for Balak a frontal assault upon Israel, but he was able to harm Israel more by alluring them to idolatry and immorality (Revelation 2:14). That history now has repeated itself with the church in Pergamos. The frontal attack upon them failed (Revelation 2:13). It was a wealthy city that had shrines for almost every pagan deity. It is no wonder that they had assaulted the church, and that faithful Antipas had been killed.
Praise God, the church had held fast to Christ’s Name (Revelation 2:13)! But, when the attack came by way of compromise, they had faltered. They even had among them those who gained for themselves by encouraging compromise in worship and marriage purity (Revelation 2:14). They did this by the doctrine of the Nicolaitans (Revelation 2:15), reasoning that believers didn’t really “sin” anymore, whatever they did. And so, they had acquired an enemy greater than all of Pergamos and even than Satan: Jesus Himself. They were making an enemy of the One Who has the sharp two-edged word (Revelation 2:12), and He is urging them to repent, lest He come and fight against them with it (Revelation 2:16).
Once again, there is the warning for the church as a whole—if they do not repent from their inaction by disciplining the Balaam-like Nicolaitans, Jesus Himself will come and fight against them (Revelation 2:16)! If a church does not wish for Jesus to come among them with the sword, it needs to keep its own house in order with discipline.
And once again, there is an individual application for those to whom the Spirit is giving the ability to listen to what He says: overcome (Revelation 2:17). This is one way of thinking of repentance: overcoming sin.
Jesus gives overcomers something better than the world is able even to offer: intimate communion with Himself. The manna is not only divinely-provided food of comfort, but it is hidden manna, received in the secret place with the lord. And the white stone is a personal token between the believer and the Lord.
How could we give up such treasure—such personal intimacy with the Lord—for anything (or everything!) the world has to offer?
What are some ways that worldly worship might make things easier for you in this culture? What are some ways that worldly pleasure might help you “fit in” in this culture? How are you practicing dwelling upon the sweetness of intimacy with Christ?
Sample prayer: Lord, forgive us, for the world and the devil find a willing and powerful ally in our own remaining fleshliness. Even when fierce attack does not crush us, subtle temptations compromise us. So, give us to repent and overcome, we ask through Christ, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP1 “How Blessed the Man” or TPH508 “Jesus, Priceless Treasure?”